Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Some might say that I was born at an academic disadvantage; neither of my parents were born as citizens of the United States and both had little education to offer, little time could be dedicated towards me partly due to the never ending struggle of the lower-working class and partly due towards the attention my autistic younger sister needed. However, despite the odds that seem stacked up against me, I strive to come up on top and become someone great.
Going back through my educational history, I find that I was always average or above average in all my academics without needing to put in much time into studying or note taking; I see now that this was harmful to me because now I’m not just naturally good at things as I was in my younger school days. Now I struggle with note taking and studying on my own, which leads to my contradicting personality.

 Personally I enjoy history and English classes the most; however, even that is based on how well a teacher teaches. I find history and English to be the most interesting subjects. For English you can learn so much different word play that leads for interesting conversation and clarity in text that’s either for pleasure or work. Learning about history is important because it gives us understanding on why things are the way they are today, why governments are run the way they are, why some countries are at war with other countries, why are some countries richer than others. It’s an easy subject to distort as well, due to perspective of any person telling of past events our own opinions are easily influenced. Once upon a time I was a child and I was led to believe that Christopher Columbus was an honorable and valiant explorer that discovered America all on his own; however, now I can see that he was neither of these things and all he truly was, was a lucky man whose interests lied in gold and fame and who committed genocide against a group of natives who were practically defenseless against him. History is a fascinating subject and an important one, if I ever want to make my dream of becoming a good politician, a reality
Ironically I struggle with both of these subjects, but do quite well in mathematics. Perhaps the reason to that is the strict and organized schedule of all my math teacher or perhaps because math is a straight forward subject. In fact, whenever I have the most trouble with math solving is when it involves words. I think that a good teacher can take any subject and make it simple or understandable. However for me I need to at least be indifferent with the teacher in order to actually focus and try in a class. If a teacher were to try that whole “mean” act and try to scare me into submission, like one of my ninth grade teachers tried to, it won’t work and I’ll be sure to fail. To me earning respect does not include scare tactics, and a teacher especially, should not try to scare their students into respecting them. I am contradictory to myself when it comes to this because I prefer a teacher to have a strict and organized routine when I myself an anything but organized and strict.
One of the questions asked the first day in this class was to name the streets of my old schools; however I found those facts to be trivial and therefore forgotten the street names. My elementary school was Los Angles elementary and as the name would suggest it is located in Los Angeles. For three of the most unpleasant years of my life, I was confined in Bancroft middle school.

One instance I remember from last year was doing well on a final project for Spanish. I worked on it alone even though it was suggested for us to work in groups. Even so I did better than some of the kids that did work in groups and for that I felt pretty good. I learned that I could work by myself and do well on my own. Still I know that I will not be able to hide behind my walls of antisocial-ness and will need to build up my courage and social skills in order to become an influential person and change society for the better with my ideas.

1 comment:

  1. The introduction to your essay is very fascinating and captures my attention right away. Overall you have a nice way to easily flow from one topic to another without having your essay all over the place. I believe you can go into depth of your hellish years in middle school, your ninth grade teacher, or perseverance through your struggles. You maintain great sophisticated words here and there. My favorite sentence from your essay is, " However, despite the odds that seem stacked up against me, I strive to come up on top and become someone great." The expression towards your gain in overcoming the odds makes it really relatable.
